Welcome! I am dusting off the blog today! I am beyond guilty of neglecting this little corner of the web, but sometimes I get in a rut! Is anybody still reading blogs? I will admit that I neglect my favorite bloggers thanks to Instagram... it's just too easy to scroll through and see what's what. Anyway, thanks for stopping over!
Isn't this serving cart adorable?
It ended up being the inspo I needed to get the back porch Summer-ready.
Have you ever trash-picked curb-rescued something only to get it home and your original enthusiasm quickly spirals downhill ?
You start off so positive: "Oh, that will be so cute in _______ (insert where you envision the wonder going). But once you get a good look at it, you turn to "I'll-just-spray-paint-it" mode. Step three of the vicious cycle is when you realize even blessed spray-paint ain't solving this problem.
I was Bamboo-zled, get it?
Here it is... looks can be deceiving because it was horrid on the underside. I was actually getting annoyed that someone left this Target bar-cart circa 2015 OUTSIDE! It was moldy and nasty.
Here it is... looks can be deceiving because it was horrid on the underside. I was actually getting annoyed that someone left this Target bar-cart circa 2015 OUTSIDE! It was moldy and nasty.
Finally, you are left with only TWO options.
1. Throw it out on your curb and risk the original neighbor
(in my case on the same street) seeing it out there.
2. Fix the darn thing up.
This is my story of the rescued bamboo bar cart. I spotted the cutie on the way out one evening and asked the spouse to pick it up if it was still there when we were on the way home. Of course she was still waiting for us, and the spouse was so sweet to go get it for me. However, when I got it home, I went into step 2, then quickly to step 3 once I flipped the cart over and saw the moldy damage that had prompted her demise in the first place! But my pride is bigger than ability to accept defeat. My kiddo and I tore out the existing shelves and built new. After a little paint and elbow grease, it is now a fun addition to the back porch. It even inspired a much needed revamping of our outdoor space and I can't wait to serve up something fun on this baby!
My assistant and I started by removing all of wood from the shelves but were able to salvage the bamboo frame and wheels.
I used some scrap wood and cut new shelves and supports that were glued and nailed to the frame. I didn't take any pics of that because, I'll be honest, I thought this one might get nixed. See the rot?
My assistant and I started by removing all of wood from the shelves but were able to salvage the bamboo frame and wheels.
I used some scrap wood and cut new shelves and supports that were glued and nailed to the frame. I didn't take any pics of that because, I'll be honest, I thought this one might get nixed. See the rot?
I spray painted the whole thing with Rust-oleum Navy Blue in a glossy finish.
...and finished the wheels with Krylon Metallic Copper.
See how cute it turned out? My daughter asked me if we should take it back to the original owners!! Nope, they neglected her, she's mine now.
I was so inspired for a spruce up that I couldn't resist some new accessories to go with the new addition. Now, on first glance, one might think I had recently returned from an international adventure, traveling the world and collecting textiles and treasures from afar.
Nope, the Christmas Tree Shops guys. I scored both of the rugs out here for less than 60 for the two of them.
I also found these adorable melamine plates with bamboo trim. They are similar to the one's at Ballard Designs, only for a fraction of the dough.
...and a few gold flower pots for 5 bucks to finish off the look.
My DIY sliding screen door is holding up pretty good out here!
Details can be found here.
Thanks for stopping over!